Meeting Me

Published on 11 June 2023 at 07:17

This is ME!!

Most people have heard the popular saying, "this is me." Well I am "Just a bookkeeper" or "Just the Payroll Administrator".  This phrase is used to describe someone's personality or their core values. It is meant to be a positive thing, but sometimes it can be interpreted negatively. "This is me" can be seen as a way of saying "this is all I am" or "this is all I can be." It can be a way of shutting yourself off from new experiences and new people. It can be a way of limiting yourself a way of creating a block. When you hear someone say "this is me," what do you think? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? What do you think it means for the person saying it?

What few people don't understand about me is anxiety is something that I have always struggled with. It started when I was younger, when I thought I wasn't a good enough child which is why I got hidings and has carried with me into adulthood and at the age of 40 I eventually started realizing that I needed help. When I am in a public setting, I tend to get very anxious. I start to worry about what other people are thinking of me and if they are judging me. My heart starts to race and I start to feel like I can't breathe. People would love to know that I sing but I can't do it in public.  I create but I feel that maybe I am not good enough for people to like what I make.  I bake but I won't tell you about it.  This can be very overwhelming and sometimes I have to leave the situation. I have tried different things to help me deal with my anxiety, but it is something that I continue to struggle with.

After a lot of personal growth and self-reflection, I've decided to embark on a new journey in life. I have left the corporate world of Payroll and Accounts and I'm focusing on my spirituality and wellbeing, and I'm going to do this by being the Reiki practitioner that I am by offering Crystal healing and by creating personalized gifts. This is a big change for me, but I'm really excited about it. I feel like it's something I'm meant to do and I'm ready to start working on myself and helping others. I'm not sure exactly where this new path will take me, but I'm ready to open myself up to the possibilities and see what comes my way. I'm ready to heal myself and others, and to create beautiful and meaningful gifts for the people to love. I'm feeling positive and optimistic about this new chapter in my life, and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

When I was younger, I used to think that being there for others meant always being available and never saying no. I would exhaust myself trying to do everything for everyone, and it wasn’t until I reached a breaking point that I realized this wasn’t sustainable. Now, I’ve learned that being there for others doesn’t mean always being available; it means being present and showing up when it really matters. Being present for others doesn’t always mean having to be physically present. Sometimes, just being available to listen or offer advice can be just as helpful. When my friends are going through tough times, I make sure to check in with them regularly and offer my support. I may not be able to solve their problems, but just knowing that I’m there for them can make a world of difference. I’ve also learned that sometimes, the best way to be there for someone is to give them space. When my partner is going through a tough time, I make sure to give them the space they need to process their thoughts and emotions. I know that they’ll come to me when they’re ready to talk, and in the meantime, I’m just a text or phone call away if they need anything. Being there for others is an important part of being a good friend, partner, and human being. It’s something that I’ve had to learn and practice over the years, but it’s something that I’m always striving to do.

This is me. I am who I am, and I am proud of that. I am not perfect, but I am perfectly me. I am unique, and I cherish that. I am strong, and I will never give up. I am kind, and I will always help others. I am constantly growing and learning, and I am always open to new experiences. I am happy with who I am, and I will never change just to please someone else. This is me, and I am grateful for every single day.

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